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Frequently asked Quentions (FAQ)
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Frequently asked questions about Oleanders

What is the original habitat of Oleanders?
Besides in the Mediterranean, Oleanders also occur in the same hot climate zone from Iran right into Eastern Asia. They grow mostly in stony soil, flooded river banks and in stream beds that fall dry from time to time.

How can I get my Oleander to flower again?

Above all, an Oleander needs a lot of warmth and light and moist soil in order to flower. Oleanders flower on older branches, so when you prune your plant always leave a few branches intact so that you will be able to enjoy flowers again soon.

Should I repot my Oleander?

If your plant is getting too large for its pot you can repot it in spring into a slightly larger pot with fresh soil and good drainage.

May I place my Oleander indoors?

Yes, you certainly may, providing you place it in a spot with plenty of light. A frost-free conservatory or directly in front of a south-facing window would then be ideal. Remember that the plant will use a lot of water in warm weather, so make sure it doesn't dry out. Oleanders don't tolerate drought.

How much light does my Oleander need?

The more light and heat your plant gets, the more readily it will flower. So place it in front of a south-facing window indoors or in a sheltered spot in full sunshine outdoors.

How much water does my Oleander need?

In their natural environment, Oleanders grow in soil that is constantly moist, but they don't like wet feet. So make sure that your Oleander never dries out completely, and if you want to enjoy it outdoors, place a dish under the pot to allow for drainage of excess water on rainy days.

What is the best place for my Oleander?

In early spring an Oleander will do fine in a conservatory or in front of a south-facing window indoors, where you will be able to enjoy its flowers at an early stage already. As soon as the night temperature no longer drops below 12 degrees Centigrade you can also place your plant in a sheltered sunny spot in your garden or on your patio or balcony.

What are the most important things to consider in caring for my plant?

An Oleander will flower lavishly in a warm, light environment. Fertilise your plant once every two weeks in summer.


Frequently asked questions about Hibiscuses

What is the original habitat of the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis?
Hibiscuses originated in tropical Asia.

How can I keep my Hibiscus in flower?

Fertilise your plant once every two weeks during its flowering period, give it sufficient water and place it in a light spot, preferably directly in front of an east- or south-facing window.

Does my Hibiscus need a lot of fertiliser?

The pot soil of your newly acquired plant will contain a slow-release fertiliser providing enough nutrients for the first few months. If you want to enjoy your plant for a longer time, you must fertilise it once every two weeks.

Buds keep falling off my plant. What's causing that?

Make sure your Hibiscus isn´t too dry and has sufficient light. Avoid moving it to a different position, because then the plant will have to get used to the different conditions of its new environment.

My plant´s leaves are wilting. What should I do?

If the soil in the pot is dry, water your plant. If the soil is on the contrary too wet, the roots may die, causing the leaves to wilt. In that case, water your plant less often to encourage it to form new roots.

How much light does my Hibiscus need?

Hibiscuses like a lot of light. But bear in mind that too much direct sunlight falling through a window in summer could be too much for the plant, causing its leaves to burn.

May I move my Hibiscus outdoors and, if so, when?

You may move your Hibiscus outdoors as soon as the night temperature no longer drops below 12°C. Place it in a sheltered spot in the sunshine.


Frequently asked questions about Crotons

What is the original habitat of Crotons?
Crotons naturally grow in Indonesia, Polynesia and Malaysia.

What is the best indoor location for my Croton?

A light location, away from bright sunlight.

How should I care for my Croton?

Crotons like moist soil but hate wet feet. Regularly check that there is no water at the bottom of the pot.

My Croton is losing its leaves. What's causing this?

If you give your plant too much water its roots will die and it will drop its leaves. Leaves will also fall from a Croton if it is in a too dark spot. Another possibility, finally, is infestation with red spider mites.

How should I control red spider mites?

Red spider mites are difficult to control. The best thing is for you to buy a special control product at your florist or garden centre. If your plant is severely infested the only solution is to immediately remove it to prevent the risk of the pests spreading to other plants.

The young leaves of my Croton are a bit yellow. Is that normal?

A Croton is a colourful plant that may produce healthy yellow foliage in a lot of light. The colour of the leaves will usually become more intense and darker later on.

How can I retain the lovely bright red colour of the foliage?

Young leaves are often a bit yellowish, but as the leaves grow older the colour will intensify and become darker.

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Frequently asked Quentions (FAQ)
Click below to see frequently asked questions about Sunshiners plants..

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Useful care tips for you to download

Download our care tips here and print them for yourself or someone else.

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